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Mother Lode Works Vol. 21

Mother Lode Job Training

"Your source for employment news in the Mother Lode"

This week in Mother Lode Works...

  • Programs Available for Out of School Youth

  • Federal Unemployment Benefits Ending September 4th

  • Reinventing Your Career Path Amidst the Pandemic

  • UI Claim Updates


Up to Date COVID-19 Information

- The official website for California COVID-19 updates and resources. - EDD provides a variety of support services to people who have lost their jobs or have had their hours reduced due to the impacts of COVID-19 in California.


Programs Available for Out of School Youth

Are you between the ages of 16-24 years old and not currently attending school?

Are you looking to redefine your future or just having a hard time deciding? Mother Lode Job Training is here to help! We have many programs that could help pave the way to a path of self-sufficiency. Even if you are not sure what career path you would like to take or where to start, our staff can assist you with all the planning. We have assessments that will allow us to analyze traits you have that can be translated into a career goal. We work with you by developing a plan that fits your individual needs so that you make your way to a brighter future and successful career.

Available Programs:

  • Work Experience – Get hands-on work experience with a local business and get paid too!

  • Training Opportunities – Access to thousands of different in-person and online training certificate/licensing programs such as GED, Class A licensing, Welding Certificate, Certified Nursing Assistant and much more.

  • Job Search – Get help with your resume and cover letter, essential skills building, job leads, application assistance and mock interviews.

Eligibility for Services

Participants must be both of the following:

  • Ages 16 to 24

  • Are a High School Dropout or a Graduate not attending school

And one of the below:

  • Have been subject to the juvenile or adult justice system

  • Homeless, Runaway, in Foster Care or aged out of Foster Care

  • If you have a disability including an IEP or 504

  • Pregnant or Parenting

  • Required to attend school but have not attended for at least the most recent complete school year's calendar quarter

  • Required additional assistance to complete educational program, or to secure and hold employment (must also meet low-income barrier)

If you are between the ages of 16-24, are a High School drop out or a graduate not attending school and checked at least one of the bullets listed above, please call us at (209) 533-3396 to be connected to your local MLJT office.

Please note: These are not the only eligibility qualifications, if you are an Out of School Youth that is interested in receiving services, please call to verify your eligibility.


Federal Unemployment Benefits Ending September 4th, 2021

With federal unemployment benefits expiring this month, there are many programs and resources that you may be eligible for!

Begin enrollment at Mother Lode Job Training TODAY for programs that can help with employment, training, education and more. To begin enrollment with Mother Lode Job Training, call (209) 533-3396 or email For more information on other state programs, such as resources for housing and food, click here!


Reinventing Your Career Path Amidst the Pandemic

Tim Roland (pictured right) came into Mother Lode Job Training after losing his job due to COVID and was looking for assistance in obtaining his Class A license to continue his career in truck driving.

Overcoming the difficulties of unemployment, he was able to work closely with a case manager from MLJT and enrolled in the Tractor Trailer Operator Program given by Western Pacific Truck School. His hard work paid off and he completed the vocational training program with his Certificate of Completion, passed his behind the wheel test and received his Class A license! A week later, he gained employment at Campbell Construction in Sutter Creek.

“Thank you for helping me be successful!” – Tim Roland, July 2021.

Every time Tim drives by the Mother Lode Job Training office in Amador,

he honks at the office to let us know he’s doing well. Mother Lode Job Training has many vocational training opportunities that may suit your career goals. Our team is here to support you and watch your success grow!

MJLT has employment and training programs to assist those who have lost their jobs due to COVID-19. If you would like to hear more about our exciting opportunities, contact us today! We can help you reinvent your current career path and gain the skills required to remain competitive in today's in-demand occupations.


UI Claim Updates See the latest number of claims filed below:

You can also find this information and more on the EDD site at:


For more information, contact your local Mother Lode Job Training job center:

Amador Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 223-3341 Calaveras Center Manager: Annette, Email:, Phone: (209) 754-4242

Mariposa Center Manager: Stephanie, Email:, Phone: (209) 966-3643 Tuolumne Center Manager : Lindsay, Email:, Phone: (209) 588-1150 Mother Lode Job Training is a Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act(WIOA) Title I-financially assisted program and Equal Opportunity Employer; CRS 711 (TTY) Auxiliary aides & services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

Mother Lode Job Training is a proud partner of the America's Job Center of California network.

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